11:20, 16 degrees (yep, that cold - the non-summer so far!) and we are finally able to go somewhere for a few days. Between the weather and Mike's broken R big toe and his gout-riddled left foot we have not been away since November. Anyway, we are heading to 12 Mile Delta for a couple of days. All set up about 13:30 after stopping at Frankton for a Pita Pit lunch which was YUM!. Just chilled for the rest of the day. Lovely out of the breeze and bugger all sandflies. Had left over chicken and fresh sweetcorn for tea and hit the pit at 10:20.
Up to a gorgeous day. Had bbq bacon and eggs then off into town because it's 25% off day at Repco & what self respecting man would miss that?!?! Now 11:00 & heading back to 12 Mile Delta to play and relax for the rest of the day. Had a MASSIVE Mr. Whippy double cone leaving QT that took us most of the way back to eat. Collected the trailer (we'd left that at our spot - easier than towing it round town) & went and parked at the Lake's edge so we could launch the boat. One hour later the boat was back on the trailer because it was once again flat. We were royally ripped off with that purchase - the boat has never stayed inflated! Time to biff it and buy another one. At least the motor and the carrying/launching system are really good! In the meantime, Kirsty had arrived so we spent rest of afternoon sitting around chatting and relaxing. Kirsty left before tea & we continued to sit outside and natter until it became apparent that the forecast front was starting to make it's presence felt and it was time to cook tea. Steak, new spuds and salad - yum.
12 January 2014
Up at 07:00 after a very restless night due to howling, gusty winds. And then rain! Absolutely bucketing down and only 10 degrees! Headed into Frankton and bought some Xmas mice, a ceiling fan and had lunch with Kirsty at Thaitanium. Still raining and it didn't stop 'til we got to Clyde at 14:30!