Lake Dunstan 13 to 15 November 2013

13 November 2013
Great weather, work finished but can't be bothered driving far, so Lake Dunstan beckoned.
14 November 2013
Just as well we didn't go far - the boat split a seam in the bow and needed a repair job. Would have been very disappointing if we'd gone over the hill to then not be able to use the boat for a whole day! Fortunately we had some repair stuff with us, so patched it up.  Should be ok tomorrow.  Glorious day although a cool southerly did pick up in the afternoon.
15 November 2013
Will head off home sometime today. Kirsty is coming over & then tomorrow we're going out to lunch & wine tasting with a whole bunch of girls (& Mike, who'll be the sober driver!).  ended up going home earlier than expected as the glue on the patch was letting go, so Mike only had a quick fish and then a zip home before it deflated completely.  Oh, well - was still a lovely morning parked beside a beautiful lake!