10 August 2013
Left home at 9:30-ish at the start of the trip north to go and pick Henk Zaaiman and Yvonne up from Christchurch to take them to see Dad. First stop - Timaru to see the Flynns and the Mulcahys. Great night catching up.
11 August 2013
Had coffee at the Shearers Quarters with Marise and then on to Weedons. Cold easterly blowing at Weedons and raining. Miserable.
12 August 2013
Planned to go into Animates to get an anti bark collar for Stoney. But to do that you need a vehicle that starts! Which I am sure Maggie would have done if I hadn't left the lights on! Thank god for the AA. Very quick service and soon underway. Took dogs for a long walk at the Groynes. Back to Weedons.
13 August 2013
Picked up Henk and Yvonne and headed off to Kaikoura. Did shopping and got diesel. Talked the afternoon away. Had a lovely pizza at the Groper Garage. Went back to Peketa and had a glass of wine and off to bed.
14 August 2013.
Not such a great night. Maggie really a bit too small for 3 people and 2 dogs! And it was also very windy during the night so very noisy! Anyway, on the road just after 9am and typically along this bit of the trip - blowing a crosswind gale. Does it ever not blow round here? Got to Ward and thought we should have a coffee and let the dogs run at the Domain. WRONG! Long grass hid a bog and as soon as I realised it was already too late. Stuck. Thank heavens for friendly locals and red tractors! Got to Blenheim 11:30. Visited Dad and then checked into the top 10 holiday park. Went to Dodsons Brewery for tea. Early to bed - been a big emotional day!
15 August 2013
Up early despite 4 trains rattling us during the night and because Henk & Yvonne are in a unit it meant I could get moving and take dogs for a long walk along the Taylor River Reserve. Lovely morning although it's still blowing a very stiff wind! Visited Dad. Stayed beautiful all day and warm too - 20 degrees. Washed my muddy jeans(!), brushed the dogs and sat and did some stitching. Went to the Grove Tavern for tea. And that's where the third (& final! They come in 3's!) thing went wrong - an earthquake. Not a biggie but enough to be felt by everyone in the pub. Anyway, the good thing is that all the things that can go wrong are out of the way (fingers crossed!).
16 August 2013
Up early again, another long walk and will go and visit Dad once again. 14:30 - can anything else go wrong? How about a 6.6 earthquake followed by a 6.0 and numerous aftershocks - in the 70's by 9pm. Good thing is, no trains waking us up tonight as route south is blocked. And I cooked a thai red curry as wild horses would not have got me into a building of any size tonight!
17 August 2013
The final snoring session by Yvonne at 05:48 was the last straw - I was now wide awake and after a very rocky night I'd had enough. Time to get up. Went and got some more chicken for the trip home, said goodbye to Dad and was on the road to Murchison at 09:30. Got there at 11:30. In the meantime SH1 had reopened after being closed due to earthquake damage, but I am happy I came this way. For starters, I am out of the shake zone. 2ndly, it was peeing down in Blenheim and all along East Coast but here it is 20 degrees and a lovely sunny day. And thirdly - there is NO way I am driving along underneath the cliffs by Kaikoura with the earth still moving so much! Took the dogs for a walk to Riverview Terrace and back and spent rest of day doing some much needed relaxing! On to Christchurch tomorrow and then home!
18 August 2013
Up at 06:30 feeling refreshed. Great night's sleep - no trains, no traffic, no snorers and NO quakes! Feeling great and looking forward to the drive through the Lewis Pass to Christchurch and closer to home! Got to Weedons just after 2pm. Blowing, raining and parked on the tarseal as everything looks very wet and muddy!
19 August 2013
Up early (5:20) thanks to low flying incoming flight! So thought I might as well get moving. Had a long shower to empty the water tank, took dogs for a walk in the cold wet drizzle and hit the road at 7:20. Dumped at BP Rolleston and got diesel at Ashburton. At Burkes pass the weather lifted a bit but it wasn't until the Lindis Pass was behind me that the weather became lovely! Home at 1pm - 1, 877kms since leaving! Have never been so happy to be home again!