Over the hill 13 to 16 September 2013

Friday 13 September 2013
13:18. Off to go and see if the rumours about escaped salmon are true. Could be a bit cool - they keep say a period of snow showers tonight or maybe tomorrow but Sunday & Monday are meant to be good. And bugger the weather anyway - it's been way too long between drinks! 314211kms on the clock. Stopping in Cromwell for lunch as Mike has just finished work (& not due back 'til Tuesday lunchtime). Yummy lunch at Nichols - roast mushroom and Blue cheese salad (with baby spinach, crunchy bean combo, sundried tomato) & the almost obligatory giant cheese roll each. All set up in our usual spot below Ohau C by 17:30 after a quick drink at the Top Hut. Had stir fry chook & veggies for tea, bed at 22:00.

14 September 2013
Up at 06:30 - brrr: minus 2!  But a beautiful day. Started off fishing in the canal below Ohau C which was awesome - lovely weather - but no fish. So moved to true left bank below the salmon farm - no fish. Moved to just below Ohau B (getting windy now & headworks of B too blustery) and although we saw the biggest jack ever - no fish. So eventually back to our usual spot for the rest of the day.  Wonderfully relaxing day with full on sun - just a very cool wind so never got out of our sweatshirts and mostly sat inside watching the rods! Had lamb steaks on salad for tea. Mike watched the start of the All Blacks vs South Africa game and then came to bed.

15 September 2013
Up at 06:20 because Stoney decided he needed to be sick!  Watched the America's cup race (OMG nothing short of a miracle that Team NZ stayed upright!) and spent rest of day fishing various sites. 8-0 was the final score, to Mike!

Beautiful day but very cold - bitter southerly kept temp in single figures all day! Now after 17:00 and still parked beside the headworks of Ohau C and it's beautiful now - no wind and still a gorgeous sunny, cloudless day - could be a cold night! Went back to the usual spot - and did the usual things! And I was right about the cold night - 0.2 degrees when we went to bed at 22:00!

16 September 2013
Up at 07:00 & it's minus 4! Once it warms up it'll be awesome though and anyway - not moving off Maggie until after the racing! Fished a bit along the canals (10-1), had lunch at the Wrinkly Rams, did some shopping at Cromwell and all unpacked and tidied up by 15:45. An awesome couple of days away in Maggie!