10:30 319438kms, 15 degrees and beautiful weather. Off to go and join Wendy and Nev somewhere beside Lake Pukaki as they are now, finally, doing the freedom camping thing in their new caravan. This is their first trip, had 2 nights on their own so time to get together and celebrate! Got there just on 2pm after seafood chowder for lunch at The Wrinkly Rams. Glorious afternoon & evening sitting outside 'til bedtime at 10:30pm. So good to finally be able to hang out with Wendy & Nev on the road!
Wendy & Nev going home, we're going to Ohau C as there's a rumour some salmon have got out. And sure enough - Mike caught his best ever fish - a beautiful 3kg (6.5lb) salmon! Had it on crackers and bluff oysters for pre-dinner nibbles. And within an hour Mike wasn't feeling well - the oysters strike again. So early night.
Up at 7:40 and signs of autumn - only 3 degrees and the trees across the canal are red. Off to have another fish - Marielle caught a chocolate one. Stoney, though, managed to walk through some bushes and get snagged in his muzzle on a dropped hook, line & sinker. Luckily it wasn't in too deep and he stayed completely still till we got it out. Phew! Gorgeous autumn day - fished 'til 1:30pm and then, boo hoo, we had to leave as Mike has a 7am start tomorrow.