27 August 2010
280105 kms, 11:09, 9°C and sunny and we are off over the hill to go catch some fish! Filled up in Alexandra with diesel (63L, 280117kms) and bought some "Gulp" - no worms at home - well, 4 wasn't going to catch many fish! Left Alexandra at 11:50. 12:06 - back home! Going up the Clyde Hill we couldn't remember if we'd turned the aircon off so thought we'd better check - ok, it would be nice to come back to a cosy, warm home but a bit of a waste of money! (It was off!).
Last trip we noticed a bit of a "whistle" coming from the new windscreen in 2 places, and it seems worse this trip so we will have to take Maggie back to Vincent's - the "whistle" on Mike's side is very annoying, loud and seems to get noisier when we hit bumps.
14:10 - topped up the water in Twizel and had a jug, now 15:45 and set up for the night at the spot in the trees where we parked the first time we came here. Fished until 17:10 - lots of follows, but no luck, despite trying hard. Watched the news and Mike made meatballs and spaghetti for tea. Bed at 21:30.
28 August 2010
Up at 07:40 and it's 3°C and raining. 09:46 - going home - the rain is just getting heavier and not nice at all. But then, as we climbed out it looked to be clearing, so into Twizel to get the paper and see the weather map. Sat in carpark in Twizel and read the paper - and the sun came out, so now 10:58 and decided to stay after all! So back to below Ohau C, where we parked right beside the canal for the rest of the afternoon and fished. Mike started off with some Gulp maize, Marielle with shrimp. Marielle had success pretty much straight away - only a couple of tiddlies though. Then a rather nice rainbow - unfortunately though, it had swallowed the hook so far down and managed to catch it's gills, so we decided to put it out of it's misery. Well, Marielle is no good at bopping fish on the head - she thought she'd killed it, and went to wash the blood off it - and it promptly took off, and turned belly up just out of reach! So Mike spent next 15 minutes try to "snag" it and drag it back in. Everytime the line touched it, it would attempt to dive. Finally snagged it and got it on shore, where Mike successfully killed it! Anyway, by this time Mike was getting a bit despondent - he'd not caught one fish - had 2 on the line but both got off.
And then, the tide turned - Marielle caught another tiddly and then it was Mike's turn. Ok, they weren't huge, but he caught 3 fish in the end. Great afternoon's fishing - who'd have thought this morning it was going to turn out such good weather - good enough to sit outside watching the rods in just a t-shirt and polarfleece jacket - and at times it was almost warm enough to take that off! Went and had a celebratory jug at the pub and got back at 18:00. Watched the news and had pork-stir fry for tea. Bed at around 21:00.
29 August 2010
Up at 08:00 - peeing down and getting heavier all the time! 09:00 - on way home, still raining heavily and only 3°C! Fresh snow on the hills all around, so we did wonder if we'd get home via the Lindis but it was open with snow starting to settle at the top of the pass, but no dramas. Home at 11:00, 280539kms.