Over the hill - again. 30 September to 3 October 2016

30 September 2016
This post is called Over the hill again because I went over last weekend, without Mike, to check out Kim & David's new crib and to catch up with Jo.
Back to the present: 22 degrees and just after 13:00. Originally had planned to be away 'til next Thursday but I'm getting too busy with the Central App to go away that long! It's published - need to make a few more changes but all going well ahead of schedule! Now need to start selling - but have already sold to 2 clients! Anyway, it's nice & warm with the possibility of some afternoon showers & we are going to chuck a shrimp in & catch up with Kim & David tomorrow - & maybe Debbie, Mark & Jo too.
Checked out the camping at Lake Ruataniwha - the south end is indeed now no longer available for camping. And the north end is - but some a-hole has dumped their deer and sheep/goat carcasses there so not ideal for camping this time. Checked out the Ohau A canal but there's some serious rain clouds around and a chilly breeze so decided to move down to Ohau B and get away from the Divide a bit more.  Nothing doing, no fish so parked up at Ohau C camp for the night.  Listened to the thunder in the hills across the lake but fortunately it stayed there.  Did get a few drops of rain which had Mike scurrying to put the bbq under cover but no sooner had he done that than the rain stopped.  Found out Central had been lashed by a thunderstorm which closed the road between Roxburgh and Ettrick due to flooding.

1 October 2016
Up at the usual time to a glorious morning. After breakfast went and checked out Ohau B but no luck, unless you call a couple of live chocolate fish luck, so moved on to Ohau A but no joy there either. Took turns having a shower while the other one watched the rods and left at 16:10, heading to Kim & David's. Had a great night but bed way too late - after 2 am!

2 October 2016
Up at 07:30 - yawn - and it looks like it's going to be another gorgeous day! Had breakfast with the Mackenzies & then into Twizel to dump, shop & say hi to Jo. Back up to the canals - no luck. Parked up at the NZMCA park by the salmon farm for the night. Steak & mushies sauce on a turkish bun with salad for tea - YUM. Bed much earlier than last night - 22:15!

3 October 2016
Up at 06:45 after a surprisingly good night for me - but Mike said he heard the traffic & was awake from 3am onwards. Went & had a quick fish back up at Ohau B - no joy. Stopped in Omarama to pick up the forgotten poo bag and on our way over the hill at 10:45. Will stop in Cromwell to buy some more cotton for Carter's birth record cross stitch & to see if Kirsty & Carter are home before heading home to clean Maggie & get ready for a busy week. Won't be away again for a wee while - Mike is on day work all next week.

Another quick break 20 to 22 September 2016

20 September 2016
It's official. We now have a business called The Inland App Company with a product in the making called the Central App. And because it's official, we thought we'd use the gorgeous weather we're having as an excuse for a wee break before we get stupidly busy selling. I can sit beside a river today and work at building the app on my tablet so it's not like I'll be doing nothing. Off to Albertown & don't have to be back home 'til Thursday morning, in time for Mike to start work at midday. Got to Albertown right on lunch time so I started to do some work while Mike made lunch. Worked for a while sitting outside in the sun, while Mike snoozed and then we took the dogs for a walk down the Lake Outlet Track, which I had ridden a few years ago but Mike had never been down. 3 hours (!!!) later, we were back home. Beautiful walk with absolutely gobsmacking views. Came back along the Hikuwai Loop which is actually a MTB track but which got us high above the river for more jawdropping views. Sat in the sun and relaxed outside til 17:30 when the sun disappeared so we moved inside. Had chicken  and coleslaw for tea (forgot to pack spuds!) & bed at 22:00. Great day.

21 September 2016
Up at 06:20. Minus 1 and it's going to be a beautiful day. Did get up at 01:00 because Stoney had had a massive drink before we went to bed and he needed out. Good thing I didn't leave it any longer too - barely made it past the doormat! Too dogs for a walk across the road to the track across the Hawea River. Relaxed/worked for rest of the day.

22 September 2016
Forgot to finish blogging this until 30 September so have no idea what time we got up or anyrhing but we did head home!

Luck? 16 to 18 September 2016

16 September 2016
13:10, 23 degrees on what we thought was going to be a good day. But luck doesn't seem to be on our side lately. A fairly decent NW has just picked up and there's some serious looking cloud around. But we desperately need a break away from all the shite and Lillie needs another Maggie trip otherwise she'll forget! So we are going to risk it - don't have to go far! Quick stop at New World for the necessities. And no sooner had we climbed up and over Bridge Hill and it started to rain!! But only a passing shower. Stopped at Pinders Pond for a cuppa soup. Left there at 15:00 heading towards Lawrence. Had a jug at the Coach & Horses & now (16:30) heading off to Grey's Dam for the night. Had thought, as we were driving along, that everything was really wet. Asked the barmaid and they'd had a massive thunderstorm. We'd had nothing!
All set up at 16:50. Had a relaxing evening, bbq pork chops with potatoes & broccoli for tea (poor Mike - cooking a bbq in his jandals! He'd packed his socks but forgot to put shoes on board!) before bed at 22:00-ish.

17 September 2016
Up at 06:40 (although was awake earlier on due to Stoney trying to get us up!) to a clear morning, 3 degrees.
Had breakfast - gourmet sausages, egg & mushie/pepper mix - then decided we'd take Stoney & Lillie for a walk before heading off. It's now 11:30 and just got back! Went up to the top around the sluicings and races. Really cool - & forgot to take the camera which was a real shame as the views are gorgeous. At the site of the Raceman's hut are the most beautiful daffodils - pointed outer leaves like a star with a multiple ruffled bell inside. Really wish we had a camera! Oh, & not jandals as it was wet and slippery. A big climb getting to the top but will do it again! Got back to Pinders Pond in time for lunch (soup & a sandwich) & never left. Walked down the track a bit to check out the dredge that's sucking all the gold out of the Clutha. Had showers & sat down with a beer just as the smoke from a big fire that we saw earlier on hit us. Cough, cough, splutter. But fortunately the breeze was kind and moved in on! The weather has alternated between cloudy and sunny all day but never cold. Now just after 5 and still 17 degrees, so not bad spring camping weather at all! Walked down towards the dredge again to see if they had tied it up in the wee bay as we suspected and yes. Had bbq steak & our yummy brussel sprout mix for tea and in bed at 22:00.

18 September 2016
Up just before 7am because Stoney threw up! Now 10:15 & on our way home as it's going to be overcast and cool today and also because I need to do some more work on our business logo and contract.