Launched the boat and went to explore the lake, just as the southerly arrived. Got very bumpy in the channel - wind against current makes for some decent chop! Gave up doing too much exploring as it was just a bit too bumpy for most on board (well actually, everyone except Mike!). So back to camp for everyone except Mike, who decided he'd go and play in the rough. He arrived back not long afterwards complaining of a headache because it really is rough out there!.
While Mike was out Kirsty and I sat and did puzzles and just enjoyed the relaxing place and the warm weather. Oh, and Mike has a replacement chair (other one broke last time!) and Marielle has a new chair - long back and super comfy! Sat outside until it became a tad too chilly even with having changed into jeans and socks. Had steak, corn (cooked on the bbq, seeing as we had extra room to bring stuff with us!) and new spuds for tea and went to bed at 22:30.
12 February 2010
Up at 08:20 after a restless night with 3 dogs not sorting out their shit about who was sleeping where! Rained during the night and cooler in the morning, but it got warmer and sunnier as the day progressed.
Took boat out and went all the way down to Aviemore Dam - beautiful scenery and we hadn't realised just how wide the lake becomes in the middle. It is a lake where you need to have your wits about you though - some very shallow areas and a few obstacles around the place (like trees and rocks just below the surface, depending on how full the lake is!) but a cool trip nonetheless. Found another really lovely potential camping spot just upstream of the dam. Got back and sat and enjoyed lovely weather. Met up with Robin and Brent, who have a big old bus and rocked up so we invited them to join us for a beer. Had chicken (bbq) and salad for tea and hit the pit at 22:30.
13 February 2010
Up at 08:00 - better night as far as dogs were concerned (although Benny did wake Mike and I up with a huge fright as we thought he was about to be sick - inside!). Raining but not cold when we got up, and then it started to occasionally pour down, followed by fine spells. Thought we'd have to pack up and head home, but by the time we'd had coffees and done some household stuff (emptying the toilet) it cleared up and became a sunny, warm day. Heaps of people around - Robin and Brent had a whole crew of people arrive with boats, kayaks, kids, dogs - so we left the boat on the trailer and watched them have mad fun in their biscuits - especially when the wind got up and the rollers arrived. We pretty much spent the day reading, relaxing, puzzling and the occasional bit of fishing by Mike - nothing biting though. Moved inside at 20:00 because the sun went and it became markedly cooler and watched Mike get his famous and delish meatballs ready. While sitting there Brent arrived to invite us over to their bus for a few drinks - and a party. Whole crew of people still there. Had a great time, but Mike and I left Kirsty to it at about 23:00, to cook some tea. Kirsty joined us for food and then headed off to the party bus again. Oh yes, no flat battery on Maggie this trip - just a flat battery on the truck this morning! Too much music all day and evening yesterday! Got to do something about the continuous shortage of power - a solar panel is the next purchase, me thinks! We ran the generator today because we had low battery light come on when we started up the water heating at the same time as the fridge was running. Mike and I went to bed at around 11:40, Kirsty sometime after 01:00.
14 February 2010